and jaime said:
"let there be wine"
and there was.
i think dionysus would have been proud... although there was no orgy and no tearing apart of men... thank GOD. but there was a lot of food.
it was good to see friends together united over a common good... myself, wine, and... geometry wars.
as the wine flowed:

2004 muscadet by pierre luneau. nice little wine from the loire region in frace, i guess known for this type of wine (although the region supposedly has the greatest variety of grapes in france?). anyway, the freakin cork broke in half when i was opening it, but pops saved us soon-to-be-drunkards. tasty and subtle... like me.
(brought by: jose)

the toad! this was probably one of the better one-two punches of the night. a 2005 chardonnay from mendocino county (up by mom). a little buttery and sat beautifully with the snacks... my god, the snacks!
(brought by: meredith and chris... but mainly meredith)

2006 moscato d'asti. its "bug juice" by rinaldi vini... and apparently its a sparkling italian dessert wine that i thought would be ideal to serve
before dinner. yes...
brilliant. some people said it tasted like sprite, but i hit them upside the head. well... i should have.
(brought by: meredith and chris)

thinking to stay in italy, i slammed on the breaks and made a run for our first red of the night with one of my favorites... a 2003 bruzzico which (in this case) is a mix of cabernet sauvignon and sangiovese grapse. its subtly spicy and slips in a smooth vanilla finish. it
would have been great with the steak... but im such a genius i dont care what other people consider a good progression!!! still, i love this wine.
(brought by: me)
at this point, what we drank... or, in what order gets a little hazy... not for any particular reason or anything... actually, caroline informed me that i pretty much have it all wrong after this... but im too lazy to change it now.

750ml of pure austrailian... um... wine? this 2005 little honey is a blend of shiraz, cabernet sauvignon, and merlot... and evidently got some 91 points. it was very nice and i should have made this the first red. it started small and sweet then really opened up after a couple of minutes in the glass. but i was probably too buzzed to really notice.
(brought by: meredith and chris)

i guess the bastard can make wine. this is the second bottle of a coppola wine ive had. and i gotta say... im quite impressed (backhanded enough?) i think the first i had was a merlot (which, thankfully wasnt too sweet). This 2005 claret is quite the blend: merlot, cabernet franc, malbec, and petit verdot... its a freakin ensemble. i probably should have served a wine between this and the pillar. the subtleties between the two probably would have been much more greatly appreciated... damn. fracis... go make a damn movie already!
(brought by: caroline and celestine)

well, we just called this one "the cadillac." and like most cadillacs, you either love it or hate it... or fall somewhere in between. evidently cadillacs are pretty difficult to find (supposedly only about 50 wineries in france make it)... i
do know that its sweet as hell and chuck LOVED it. personally, i wasn't a big fan... but that might be more of a context issue.
(brought by: jose)
by this time, it was getting clost to around 1 or 1:30. we lost a couple of people, but most of us were still there to tumble around. somehow, the guitar made its way out (as they tend to do at parties...) and im sure the neighbors LOVED our rendition of creep. i think several neighbors swooned. but we felt we weren't drunk enough. in fact, most of us felt quite sober... but we fixed that.

i guess i felt compelled to bust out a pinot. i had just picked this one up that day on recommendation from one of my wine guys... yes...
my wine guy
s. i reeeeaaally liked this one. it had a great color and just opened up so nicely. this 2005 from sonoma will definitely hold a spot in my collection. mmmmmm, tasty.
(busted out by: me)
at some point, not quite sure when, we stumbled into my room for my daily myspace photo, but alas, still no orgy... dionysus would not have been proud.

ive been kind of thinking when the next one should be. should this be regular? should it be a moveable wine feast? could we afford it? but how awesome and totally pretentious would we be then?
but one thing was sure, when i woke the next morning, i more or less found this: