today, i hate my script.
of course, it doesnt help to look outside my window and see this.
i dont know if its just that ive been working on this one for so long, or if im starting to go off track again. either way, maybe i need to take a break from it and... i dont know.
i dont like where this script puts me. the middle of it is never much fun. not a fun place to be. but it helps me fuck with the characters more... which i guess makes it funny. but it always seems to kinda suck in the moment. but, at least by the time i get to the end there is a certain catharsis. usually.
god, id really love to be done with this one once and for all.
but i guess theres something to be said for detail and getting it right. whatever that means.
i need a vacation.
What kind of catharsis? Some kind of release? With some spuge?
what's wrong with that view? nice branches and lovely sunset!
and as far as a vacation goes....i vote for london! hahah but you saw that coming.
so where are you now with this?
in the 70s. im getting thru it... slowly... but im liking it again!
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